Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Duties Of A Police Officer - 929 Words

The duties of a police officer, also known as a law enforcement officer, focuses on protecting and serving; people and property. They patrol the areas they are assigned, respond to calls, enforce laws, make arrests, issue citations, conduct investigations and occasionally testify in court cases. Rush is a movie that takes viewers into the undercover work of two police officers, Kristen Cates and Jim Raynor; who went undercover to catch a major drug dealer. While undercover both got sucked into the drug culture and compromised their assignment. When dealing with such assignments police officer should be careful because one does not know what the outcome of the assignment might be or even so how the assignment might affect them in the long run. In order to become a successful police officer, a lot of training is required. One should be able to pass a written examination assigned by the police department. An officer has to go through the police academy and perform various tasks that wil l test their physical and mental abilities. Cates became Raynor’s partner for the undercover investigation after she was chosen from a group of recent police academy graduates. Cates had no experience what so ever. Cates was taught how to expertly fake drug use at the academy. However, she got a rude awakening when Raynor taught her how to properly shoot up heroin. He informs her in no uncertain terms that she will be put in situations where she will have to take the drugs they will be buying.Show MoreRelatedDuties Of A Police Officer1949 Words   |  8 Pages Makayla Harris Ms. Susic Research paper 5 June 2015 The duties of a police officer are to protect the people around them and their property. They also patrol areas they are assigned, make arrests , respond to 911 calls, also known as emergency situations, testify in court situations, directing traffic, and most recently dealing with riots. 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