Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Biology Lab Report - 902 Words

Abstract: Background: High blood glucose fluctuation (BGF) contributes in chronic complications by promoting the dysfunction of vascular endothelium in diabetes. MicroRNA (miR)-34 family is known for its roles in the pathophysiology of diverse diseases including type 2 diabetes. However, the action of BGF on the expression of these miRs in diabetes is unknown. Herein, we aimed to investigate the effects of BGF on the pathogenesis of diabetes and the possible involvement of miR-34 family in vivo. Methods: A total of 60 Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were randomly assigned to four groups with 15 rats per group, namely normal control (NC) group, model control (MC) group, persistent high blood glucose (PHG) group and fluctuant high blood glucose†¦show more content†¦Keywords: Diabetes, persistent high blood glucose, blood glucose fluctuation, miR-34b/c. Background Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder, which seriously affects people’s health 1. The prevalence of diabetes is approximately 9.7%, accounting for 92.4 million adults in China 2. Type 2 diabetes has become the most frequent type of diabetes and is commonly related with the prevalence of obesity, aging and hyperinsulinemia 3. Moreover, Type 2 diabetes is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and increases the mortality of these patients 4, 5. The risk of cardiovascular diseases increases for subjects with postprandial hyperglycemia 6, 7. However, it is difficult to evaluate the relationship between postprandial high blood glucose and cardiovascular disease because the patients with postprandial hyperglycemia are often accompanied with hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance and postprandial dyslipidemia 8. Several other mechanisms causing cardiovascular complications in diabetic patients including glucose toxicity, impaired insulin growth factor (IGF) signaling and insulin receptor, vascular inflammation and cerebrovascular injury have also been proposed 9, 10. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms are still far from being completely clarified. Several large clinical studies, such as the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) and the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT), have suggested a positive correlationShow MoreRelatedBiology Lab : Lab Report Essay777 Words   |  4 PagesLab 9: Pea Genetics Lab Report Zach Freeland : Section 03 : BIOS 210 Fundamentals of Cellular Biology Lab Title: †¢ Gathering Data on the Different Traits of the Garden Pea (Pisum Sativum), Organizing the Dominant/Recessive Phenotypes of 60 F2 Offspring and Determining Whether the Null Hypothesis is Rejected or Accepted Using the Chi-Square Test. Introduction: †¢ This lab had 2 exercises. 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