Friday, August 9, 2019

Slang Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Slang - Essay Example Although there are no religious, cultural and economic inhibitions that may restrict its usage, the religiously conservative consider sex as being too serious to be described thus loosely. This phrase is mostly used by the youthful and in less formal settings and audience such as entertainment. Because of its heavy sexual connotations and denotation, the word is mostly used by the mature youth who are already sexually active. There are no class restrictions that may inhibit the use of this phrase but religious conservatives maintain reservations towards the word. This phrase has strong sexual denotations and connotations, thereby restricting it to the mature youth. Again, this group may use it exclusively as language register (keeping it away from those outside their social circles). This phrase cuts across all economic divides, but its usage is less popular among the ultra-religious. This verb phrase is mostly used by the mature youth. Its old profile has steered it clear of teenage use. The phrase cuts across all economic divides but fails to penetrate the ultra-religious due to it being a taboo word. The phrase is used in informal settings and in the presence of youthful audience that is also part of the speaker’s social network. This acronym is commonest among the youth and has already infiltrated teenagers through electronic media, especially the Internet. The word permeates all social classes but remains widely unaccepted among Christians since its last initial is a taboo word and an expletive. The audience is mainly the youth and the audience is very informal. The use of this word permeates all socioeconomic classes and ages, with some Christians being the exception. This is because Christians consider the use of the word as tantamount to trifling with God’s name and a transgression of the Third Commandment. The word is commonly used in an informal setting and audience, particularly in online

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