Sunday, August 18, 2019

Christianity and Buddhism Differences Essay -- essays research papers

Task one: 1. CHRISTIANITY Main Rituals: The sacraments are the main rituals, the connections between the sacraments with Catholicism and Orthodox are, Baptism, Holy Eucharist, Matrimony, Holy orders, Extreme unction and Reconciliation. Many of the sacraments are ignored by the Anglican Church however, Baptism and the Holy Eucharist is widely encouraged. Sacred Texts: The Sacred text of Christianity is the HOLY BIBLE, and this comprises of the old testament, Jewish scriptures and the new testament from Jesus`s birth to his death which had his teachings and writings within it. The HOLY BIBLE has the original texts from over 1500 years, including that new writings have been discovered this century; we haven’t published those an example would be, The Dead Sea Scrolls. Sacred Time: Christmas being one of the most important times during the year, according to the Liturgical Calender the most important times for a Christian would be Christmas, Easter which occurs in the Easter time/Season, which is during March, April and May. This season starting with the First Sunday of Lent, which is carried out until the Pentecost, this time is to reflect on Jesus`s life and death, his resurrection and his rising into heaven. Sacred Space: Christians believe that a holy place would be their church. Her they go about the worship of God and Jesus, apart from churches services of worship can occur such as The Vatican (Catholicism). Ways of Holiness: The Types of paths followers of god may...

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