Friday, October 11, 2019

Manage Own Performance in a Business Environment Essay

1: Understand how to plan and be accountable to others.1.1 There are a number of guidelines and procedures in place to enable me to do my job not only to the best of my ability but in a professional manner. In administration, there are procedures that need to be followed relating to various aspects of the job including correct procedures to, answer the telephone, confirming tickets, dealing with outgoing mail, rooms as well as other procedures. All of the administrators procedures are kept in a file at the office area where any member of admin staff can revise them as and when necessary. In my work place, these general procedures cover a wide range of skills used within any administration such as how to deal with a telephone call and how to used the office printer. They are available on the system for any staff member to review. 1.2 As a employee I am accountable to my employer. They have a right to see that my work is up to standard. Having a plan allows for my manager to see a quick overview of my daily tasks and allows them to check that I understand what needs to be done through out the day. It also helps to agree timescales and goals, and helps with performance managing.Planning skills allows me to be efficient and to successfull in my job.I have to be able to set and achieve targets and help others to do the same.1.3 The purpose for agreeing realistic targets for work is to keep everyone on task and focused, there is no point setting a target that is impossible to complete in the time scale given. Things will always get rushed and missed if the target is unrealistic. Work will not be done to the highest standard. However you should always push yourself at work. There should be a balance between the time it takes, how much work you have to do and making sure your work is to the highest standard. This wa y, everyone can contribute effectively and reach targets efficiently instead of struggling to achieve the impossible. 1.4 I need to make sure that the deadline is fair and be honest about how much work I can handle. When speaking to my manager I will gain respect by being straight about how much I can do. If I set too easy a target for myself I won’t be pushed to improve myself and it will be clear to my manager. If I make it impossible to reach my manager will be unimpressed by my inability to work out how long I need and missing the deadline. Setting targets is part of planning so the more accurately you can stick a plan usually the more likely you are to succeed. 1.5 The first thing I do in the morning is to prioritize my work. That is, place the most important job at the top; the least, at the bottom. When judging priorities, I need to do several things: I need to determine what is required. This is the number of jobs that need to be done. I need to figure out what is required. I need to ask myself â€Å"What must I do that nobody can or should do for me?† I have a list on which I write every target I need to Achieve and then I plan this around my day. If I’m stuck or behind on an important job I can ask my office manager Jack or other employees to help me. I don’t put everything into a ‘pending’ or ‘jobs to do’ file. I Classify my targets into those that are: both urgent and important (class 1) urgent (class 2) important (class 3) neither (class 4).1.6 So other people can help me when I am stuck and it doesn’t waste time. We can work as a team together to get the task finished.They can give me tips and say how I could improve my work.If someone is relying on a piece of work from me to complete their own tasks then it is important to keep them informed of where I am. By doing this I can also gain information on timescales, when this work needs to be completed. If I am unable to complete something by the time requested then other people will have to re-prioritise their own workloads to fit around me and by keeping them informed of my progress I can show where I am with my work.1.7 It respects people’s time and allows people to be better prepared for work, mentally, physically and tools-wise. It is respectful of the other person’s time to give him or her a good idea of what and how you want them to do something and when they need to start. If these plans change, respect demands that you infor m others involved of the changes to these plans. 1.8/1.9Computer crashingWork not getting savedPower cutsPhotocopier runs out of tonerPhotocopier runs out paper. All of these issues can be resolved very simply.Any technical fault that involves my computer I would report this to my manager or director. Things like photocopier running out of paper would be common sense I would fill the paper tray myself with the correct size and type of paper. If there is a jam I would try and resolve this myself without creating danger or ask somebody I would ask my manager who knows how to fix this. 1.10 The importance of learning from mistakes is so that you will not make the same mistakes (or similar mistakes) in the future, and you will thereby make more right decisions and fewer wrong decisions, and therefore will enjoy more success and less failure. Outcome 2: Understand how to behave in a way that supports effective working.2.1 The purpose of agreeing and setting high standards for work assures that each person tries their hardest and achieves there goals. By setting high standards you are showing a good example to the hole work team. Your building trust with your employer, it can give you benefits such as a pay raise or promotion and It gives you a great sense of satisfaction. You must always make sure you have the right amount of work for your time scale. This allows you to make sure your work is to the highest standard and isn’t rushed. I have learnt from working at h2o the its better to take a little bit longer doing something than doing it to quickly and having to go back and correct your mistakes. 2.2/2.3 I can set high standards of work by putting 100% into every task I do. By being the best I possibly can be. If I challenge myself in areas I will improve at my work, impress my employer and set a high example to all of the staff. By not challenging myself I am not learning anything. I should always take on new challenges if given them. This means I will earn new skills and will allow me to become experienced at my job. 2.4 If there are changes, its best to find out the purpose and make a plan, gather as much information as you can. Discuss the changes with your manager as understanding the situation helps you plan an appropriate course of action. Find out if the changes will affect your salary or benefits. There are always changes made in our workplace such a new office equipment, new staff, change in role. It gives me new challenges and experience. 2.5 The purpose of treating others with respect, honesty, and consideration is to treat others how you would like to be treated. To help people when you can. Never judge anyone and understand people as individuals. This gives people self confidence and positive a work environment. In my workplace we always listen and respect one another. 2.6 Behaviour is vital to the workplace because it can affect everyone. A person’s negative outlook can spend to those around that person. The workplace can immediately become a hostile environment due to the action or attitude of a single person. 2.7 Types of behaviour that display honesty, respect, and consideration are listening to others’ ideas and providing thoughtful feedback, being sensitive to the needs of others, seeking a solution that will benefit all, cooperating with everybody, treating others fairly and with dignity. Some negative behaviours are not listening to people, ignoring the opinions of others, having a selfish attitude, disregarding the efforts of others, and spreading false or hurtful information about others like spending rumours.

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