Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How we perceive ourselves and influence others’ perception Essay

To begin with the offset printing principle of, how people discriminate the world in different ways. Of course, each single person has his or her own way of thinking and understanding the world. Evidently, this single way of thinking has been predisposed upon every unity of us by forces such as physical condition, cultural background and social roles. These invisible forces untune the flow of prospered communication. As such, my perception pass on be different if I am non feeling well or in my culture, what is considered groovy and weighty may considered bad and unimportant for others. For example, essence contact is important for Canadian alone I think it is a sign of disrespectful to facial gesture into bingles eyes. Social role is other challenge for successful communication, for example, when entering into a problem contract, handshakes argon not guideable anymore, the two parties essential sign a formal agreement documents. The molybdenum principle is our se lf-concept, the perception each individual holds of himself and herself and, it has a powerful power on anes communication behaviour. In order to communicate with others, first, one should pick out who he or she is? This idea refers to ones personality, physical characteristics, cultural individuality, and religion. For example, I am a tall, male, close 30 years old, a student, and believe in God among all, the most important part of my self-concept is my religion. For example, I feel strongly spiritual and I proclaim that I am uplifted of being an Ismaili Muslim. Sometimes, I am richly confident about my religious views and expect others to accept my remarks and believe. The strong feeling that I have about my religious believe has a powerful effect on the way I communicate often, state start to reject my remarks and turn away from the conversation.The triad principle is the messages we send can shape others self concepts and therefore influence their communication. In fa ct, each of us possess several self-concept. In contrast, baffleing self is a public image and it is the way we want to present ourselves in public, in a socially pleasing image, to influence others to believe. We try to maintain our own identity and communicating in ways that, support identities that others are trying to present. For example, if a friend of me barrows my book and deflect to return It on time, he might condone for the delay however, I would say, it is ok or not a problem even if, I guide the book urgently. This example shows that I am a nice person and does not criticizeothers. The decease principle is the images we present to the world varies from one agency to another. Definitely, the physical appearance and behaviours of a person plays a big role in a successful communication. Our clothing, hair style and the way we walk and emit present our images to people around us. It is important to know that the images we present to others varies from one situation to another. For example, when I am visiting a friend who are in a terrible situation I am trying to present an image of myself, in a way to, not make him upset. Or if I am going for a job interview, I will try to present the maximum professional person image I can. Over all, the way we perceive ourselves and others, and the messages and images that we send to influence others perceptions, are thing that we ordinarily living and practicing them in everyday life but mostly not noticing them.

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