Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Describe the main features of American federalism. Essay

American federalism is constantly used as a benchmark for democratic societies. Having been successfully implemented along with the constitution, it has shown that it has been able to adapt to the changing environments throughout history. One scholar has claimed, â€Å"Federalism – old style – is dead.† However I disagree. In the following paragraphs, I will show how federalism is a part of the United States but how some problems make it seem like it is failing in the modern environment. American federalism is a system of dual-sovereignty between two levels of government. It is a constitutional feature that power is divided between the national government and the governments of the states, and that both are mutually dependant on the other†¦show more content†¦Extend the sphere and you take in a greater variety of parties and interests; you make it less probable that a majority of the whole will have a common motive to invade the rights of other citizens By introducing a federal system of government, the power is diffused between the states and the national government. Because this system takes in a large number of people, it is better than a centralised government as â€Å"†¦you take in a greater variety of parties and interests† meaning minorities are protected, as there are too many interests for any one majority to have power. Following on from this, it prevents centralised power. As both the states and the national government share the power, one cannot act without the support of the other. There is a common understanding between the two as to what each is responsible for – it is outlined in the constitution. It would be impossible for one to intrude upon the other’s control. Because of this, the national government cannot become more powerful than the states. Indeed, Hamilton voices fears in Federalist No. 17 that â€Å"It will always be far more easy for the State governments to encroach upon the nat ional authorities than for the national government to encroach upon the State authorities.† Even if this became the case, the power would still be divided between the individual states, so power could still not be centralised. Federalism preserves theShow MoreRelatedNature of Indian Constitution11177 Words   |  45 Pagesconstitution of India is completely federal or unitary in nature. But actually Indian constitution contains both features of a federal constitution and unitary constitution. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

China Unbalanced Essay - 921 Words

China â€Å"Unbalanced† Continual economic growth for the past 30 years has allowed China to rise as an economic power. As the Chinese manufacturing industry continued to grow many of the people moved from rural areas into urban centers. The continued economic growth has taken China from a poor country to the 2nd largest economy in the world. Using many of the principals of capitalism China has overcome obscurity and increased exports to the point of drawing a large trade surplus with Europe and the United States. The growing wealth of China has drawn much criticism form the global leaders as trade deficits rise. China has continued on policies of currency fixing and implementation of subsidies that are consistently controversial with the†¦show more content†¦Pensions and Social Security were almost completely non-existent for many workers. The government has gradually increased pensions for urban and rural workers consistently since 2005. The majority of the people still do not have pension cov erage. The move towards providing increased financial security for the people is expected to have a positive result on domestic consumption. Domestic consumption is the key to growth in China as the global economy has slowed. Rising unemployment has been an increased concern for the Chinese government. Students are graduating from college and are unable to find employment. As unemployment continues to remain stubbornly high the government has taken to stimulus to assist in creating jobs. With local governments having submitted for projects in the past the stimulus was implemented quickly. Jobs were created and the infrastructure of China was improved. A continual effort has been made to improving the Chinese infrastructure in both the costal cities as well as the inland. Government infrastructure projects have become increasingly important in the fight against unemployment. New technology in construction equipment is commonly not used in favor of using manpower over machine power. Social programs have proven to be expensive. Increased wages and the development of social programs all result in more expenses for businesses and government. China has sustained growth forShow MoreRelatedChina Unbalanced Essay815 Words   |  4 PagesAbigail Brown China Unbalanced Write-up International Trade and Development 12/7/12 In 2001 China became a member of the World Trade Organization. China’s accession into this organization had many advantages and disadvantages for the country. Some of the advantages of being a member of the WTO for China was the strong increase in GDP growth rate which the country experienced as a result of the facilitation of trade and the increase in imports/exports. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Laws of Globalization and Business Applications †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Laws of Globalization and Business Applications. Answer: Introduction: This is a Switzerland based food and drink company, headquartered in Vevey Vaud, Switzerland. The company is spread all over the world and considered as the largest food company in the international market. Nestle was founded in 1866 by Henri Nestle, Charles Page and George Page and rapidly spread over the world with its products which includes medical food, baby food, bottled water, tea, coffee, cereals and many more ( 2017). Reasons behind selecting the organization are due to its international presence where cage model can be studied and the business innovation model applied by the company which will contribute in the study. As Nestle is an international business CAGE analysis can be done on their business. CAGE stands for culture, Administrative, Geography and Economy, as the company also requires reducing their distance in the target market ( 2017). Netles cross cultural facilitates them to communicate their products to the target market. Companys market study proves to be important part of their business strategy to provide the desired products to the target market. The divide their target market into three part based on their products that are baby food for children, coffee for the adults and foods and beverages for mostly teenagers and adults. They have separate policies operating under different administration in different countries. On the geographical grounds, the company targets the developed countries and also the working class of the society to ensure their product demand. On to it, urban societies of the countries are the primary target of these countries to make maximum profit. T he working class is considered as the target as it best possible segment of the society that will avail their products. Business model is strongly related with the customer value. According to Teece (2010), business model is used to explain the customer value and the process used by the company to convert these values into profit. Hence, business model theory explains the development processes opted by the company for increasing customer value to increase the revenue generation (Bocken et al. 2014). Nestles business model innovation includes adaptation of shared value strategy replacing the traditional value chain, taking society into consideration. They have implemented Creating Shared Value Advisory Board and Creating Value Alignment Board for governance of their shared value chain and the companys sustainability and compliance. Example can be drawn from their Nespresso division, where they generate their revenue not from the coffee machine but from the capsules. On to it, they im plemented companies for making the coffee machines as they dont want to enter the household accessory industry. They give away the coffee machines for a comparatively low cost and charge for the coffee capsules comparatively high. This strategy is often considered as razor blade strategy as it was first proposed by Gillette where they used to give away razors at cheap rate and charged for the blades in a comparably high price. Nestle also adopted this during their business model innovation (Gobble 2014). Hence, more than one innovation in their business model can be spotted in a single business setting of Nestle. The company was founded by Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl and Gordon Bowker in the year 1971 as a coffee store in Seattle in America that used to sell roasted coffee bean. Since then, the company has came a long way and spread all over the world. They have also moved from just selling the beans to coffee beverages, smoothies, tea, baked goods coffee machines and many more ( 2017). Their story and the evolution over this short period of time is the primary reason for considering the company for studying their innovative business model. The application of CAGE framework in Starbucks international business strategy to reduce can be clearly spotted. These factors mentioned in the CAGE framework are sometimes overlapping and cant be distinguished from one another. Starbucks opted local adaptations for promoting their companies in the international market which is country and its culture specific. For instance, the company focused on its chic western image to get into the Chinese and Japanese market. Considering coping with the economic factor, they expanded to only the developed and few developing countries. Moreover, they focused on the major metropolitan cities of the countries (Ghemawat 2016). In order to reduce the political dilemma in the countries, the company modified their policy to pay premium prices for coffee beans from local farmers in Mexico and Peru as these countries uses environmentally friendly techniques. Finally, to reduce the geographical and administrative gap and problems, they partnered with some of the local business. On the other hand, excellent work of the strategic team of the company needs appreciation ( 2017). Five innovations using business model innovation can be highlighted that are sustainable culture, customers experience, technological adaptation, ambiance creation and business is more than just coffee. The company changed their business model based on the operating market. They change their store ambiance based on the culture and their expectance and make them feel like home. The company also embrace new technology and uses it as the fro better serving their customers. Moreover, they offer more than just coffee depending on the cultural settings they are operating in that enables them to provide customers the lifetime experience for which they will revisit the store. To achieve this above mentioned innovation the company went through the four steps mentioned in business model innovation. In the initiation part, they had to examine their business mod el and identify the required changes. Ideation is the confrontation of business model with other business model models available, and this is how they find the required model in the target model. In the integration part, they build new model and verify its efficiency. The final part is the implementation of the new business model of which the outcome is in front of us. In short, they examined their existing business model, studied the target market from various aspect, drew the framework of the advisable business model required and finally implemented it in the market for the best revenue generation (Massa and Tucci 2013). References Bocken, N.M.P., Short, S.W., Rana, P. and Evans, S., 2014. A literature and practice review to develop sustainable business model archetypes.Journal of cleaner production,65, pp.42-56. Ghemawat, P., 2016.The Laws of Globalization and Business Applications. Cambridge University Press. Gobble, M.M., 2014. Business model innovation.Research-Technology Management,57(6), pp.58-61. Massa, L. and Tucci, C.L., 2013. Business model innovation.The Oxford handbook of innovation management,20, p.18. 2017.History. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Aug. 2017]. 2017.starbucks. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Aug. 2017]. 2017.CAGE Framework. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Aug. 2017]. 2017.Business Model Innovation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Aug. 2017].

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Weighing In Essay Essay Example

Weighing In Essay Essay In Essay Racism has repeatedly played a controversial role throughout the course of history. This is a topic fueled by the heated arguments of the parties on both ends of the matter, may it be the cry of the victim or defense of the offender. As described in the works of two members of ethnic minorities coping With the alienation they both faced in what is supposed to be the land of diversity, Froze Dumas The F Word, and Brent Staples Black Men and Public Space, racism is portrayed as a dark shadow cast upon those who may not me to conform to the norms of western culture to the typical American. Such stereotypes and predispositions should not hold the power to classify and simplify human beings to one single standard of a certain background, as one single Story or idea does not define an entire mass Of people. In Froze Dumas The F Word, she describes her life growing up as an Iranian in America. From the very beginning of her transition into western society, Dumas was exposed to the ugly world of racism at the tender age of seven, an idea almost too outlandish to even entertain. The idea that children t such a young age could feel the need to alienate someone due to unfamiliarity shows that indifference to foreign culture and background can begin at almost any age. She writes that her cousin was named Forbad, a respectable Iranian name meaning greatness, but in a land filled with Joeys and Mars, this was completely alien to his peers, resulting in his nickname Forehead. Similarly, her brother, Fairish, meaning he who enlightens became known as Farthest. A friend of Dumas sounded too similarly to an African American slur and her brothers name reminded those of a skin indention. We will write a custom essay sample on Weighing In Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Weighing In Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Weighing In Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer These children earned themselves such vulgar names solely due to the fact that they were raised and named accordingly to their culture, something that should never be disrespected or looked down upon as abnormal just because it is uncommon. When she reached the age of twelve, Froze opted for an American middle name, understandable for a young girl bearing the pressure of her surroundings, yet unacceptable for her to feel pressured to do so in the first place. She explains that she regrets this decision as it only complicated her life in the long run, even though it seemed o be a quick fix to her problems at the time. She had always received incredulous glares or horribly executed pronunciations, many without even a hint of actual effort in attempting to properly address her, a sad but common occurrence for those who are not often exposed to foreign cultures. Dumas finally settled on the name Julie and even introduced herself to her next-door neighbor using her new name. Her brothers even made fun of her for wanting to Americanize herself, who then later became Fred and Sean. In college, she did away with Julie and went back to her old name, but found that applying for jobs was a more successful venture when she used her American name, interestingly enough. Once she got married, it was almost as if she was living a double life, with family calling her Froze and most friends referring to her as Julie. This prompted her to permanently go back to her original name, forcing herself to cope with the mispronunciations and comments, which she simply now finds humor in. It is a huge relief that Dumas ended up referring to herself by her original first name, as dont feel that she should have ever felt pressured into conforming to the standards of stern culture and trying to Americanize herself. The fact that simply changing her name from Froze to Julie on job applications is mind blowing, as it is clearly not her credentials or talents that are being considered, but her American name. I appreciate that Dumas was able to come to the realization that although her American name would often allow her more job interviews and less of an intense reaction in every day life, her original Iranian name was part of her struggle growing up as an immigrant in America and was a better telltale of her story than Julie would ever be. Rather than being another Joe or Mary, people would just have to adjust to her, not the other way around. Similar to Dumas struggle in America as an Iranian, Brent Staples Black Men and public Space details the struggle of being a black man in America. There are countless stereotypes implanted in the minds of Americans of the typical black person, aggressive, dishonest, ruthless, and overall ill intentioned. The first encounter with this racist outlook on blacks Staples had was in a wealthier area of downbeat Chicago, who began to appear irksome and soon after proceeded to run from the author, who had done nothing intentionally to provoke fear in her. I agree that women should always place their safety as their first priority and should remove themselves from any situation in which they find themselves uncomfortable or at risk, but if blacks and whites cant manage to walk the same streets without one race thinking the other is going to attack at any given moment due to the misconceptions floating around in their heads, then America really isnt a land of diversity. It then becomes a land of hierarchy. As he says, Staples is too scared to even wield a knife at a chicken, let alone wield a knife at another human being, but by the color of his skin and appearance, one would never know this. Being perceived as dangerous, he writes, is a hazard in itself, and could easily land him in the back of a police car simply due to the stereotypes of the black man. Staples understands that women are vulnerable in situations involving street crime, and that blacks have a tendency to be the offenders in such situations, yet this is no excuse for the complete isolation teen blacks and whites that occurs on an everyday basis. He recalls a fascinating incident in which police attempted to arrest a black journalist whom they mistook for the murderer, further proving that many will forever have these misconceptions that almost all blacks are violent by nature. On late nights now, Staples finds himself whistling classical music, as he explains that many do not seem to think that a typical, violent black man would ever be whistling Beethoven or Vivaldi, which is one of the saddest parts of this story. It is almost disgusting to me that blacks and minorities in general feel he need to prove themselves to American society by doing White things. It is often understandably easier to do so and conform to western ways, but it is never necessary because one should not ever be ashamed of their background. No single story or stereotype or standard defines a human being. That persons actions, impact on the world, and the lives they touch are what define them. America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, is often an image of hopes and dreams and opportunity for those who wish to create better lives for themselves, yet the stereotypes people tend to hold of each racial aground impede any sort of progress in continuing to paint America as this beacon of hope. Racism not only simplifies humans to one single story, but almost dehumidifies a person, as well, looking past their traits and qualities and defining them as where they come from and what their culture is. It is necessary to learn that what society may deem normal to us is not necessarily normal to others, and rather than one party adapt to the other or furthermore alienate one another, we must begin to respect and not reject the diversity which surrounds us.